Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

It's 2010, and that means it's time for me to promise to update this thing more often, then stop doing so after a couple of months.

Anyway, I think what I'm going to do is combine this blog with my food blog, so it will just be one rather eclectic blog. All this means is that the food posts that I don't post on Tiny Kitchen in Dearborn will be food posts that I don't post on here instead. That way, I have twice as many posts to not write, but I'm only procrastinating on one blog rather than two. That made sense, right?

I'll probably have a few book review posts on here in the near future, and many of them will be cookbooks, so I think that's a good tie-in to combine the blogs. I might also re-visit some of the stuff I've done over on Tiny Kitchen, take better pictures, and post them in here.